Friday, February 26, 2010

Google can Track your FedEx, UPS, USPS & DHL Packages!

Yes, you heard me right! Google does Searches, Email, Maps, etc. But did you know Google could also track your packages for you? Have you ever ordered something online, received a tracking number, but did not know if it was a UPS, FedEx, USPS or DHL tracking number?  No problem for Google! Goto or, if you use the Google toolbar it is even easier. Just punch the tracking number into the search box, and click search, no need to enter anything else, Google knows all!

Google will then return a result like this:

Track FedEx package 4933 1613 0047 959

Just click it! then you will be brought to the correct carrier that the tracking number belongs to, and hopefully you will see this:


On this page you will also see, ship date, delivery date, weight, reference, and method of shipping.(Ground, Next Day, 2nd Day, etc.)

So go give it a try!

Happy Tracking!

Jason Archambault
Fastpack Packaging Inc.

Posted via web from Shipping Headlines & Tips by

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